Jess Baulkham

Jess Baulkham Holistic Nutrition

Book an appointment with Jess
Jess is constantly delving into the fascinating world of food as medicine, and believes that the choices we make on our plates can truly transform our lives. Jess combines her background in Kinesiology and yoga with holistic nutrition to unite the intricate connections between movement, mindfulness, balance, and wellness.

Her fascination with Ayurveda (“the science of life”), a traditional Indian medicine practice, has led her to discover how the body fluctuates cyclically alongside Nature. She’s passionate about guiding folks to harmonize their lives with Nature’s rhythms and embrace the wisdom of seasonal living.

She particularly enjoys working alongside clients to be a reliable source for nutritional tidbits that empower folks to make informed choices for well-being while demystifying nutrition to make balanced eating a delightful and enjoyable journey. She believes that tuning into the nervous system is pivotal for enhancing digestion, promoting deep rest, and fostering overall wellbeing.

When Jess isn’t immersed in her studies, you’ll often find her reveling in the great outdoors, evolving her yoga practice, dancing up a storm, or curating culinary delights. She aspires to extend her passion for houseplants into an outdoor haven, cultivating her own nourishing bounty of fresh produce.

Seung Bai

Seung Bai Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Seung

Seung grew up in Cranbrook, BC. He enjoyed playing basketball, volleyball, doing track and field, and lifting weights. He then moved to Victoria, BC where he completed Bachelor of Science Degrees in Kinesiology and Biology from the University of Victoria. He then graduated with a Master of Physical Therapy from the University of British Columbia in 2012.

 He has continued his professional development by taking courses in functional dry needling/IMS, acupuncture, the McKenzie Concept, the Mulligan Concept and has been progressing through the Orthopaedic division manual therapy courses.

 Seung’s treatment approach is based on client specific exercises, manual therapy, and client education. He is also certified in functional dry needling/IMS and neuro anatomical acupuncture. Like most people, Seung has accumulated more injuries as he has gotten older and struggles to complete his “physio exercises” as prescribed. However, he thinks this probably makes him a better physical therapist as he continues to gain first-hand experience that injuries sometimes take a bit longer to heal and that life gets in the way of exercises sometimes. To him, client specific exercises also means tailoring exercises so they fit into your life

Sandy Baril

Sandy Baril Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Sandy

Sandy graduated from the University of Ottawa in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy. Her extensive work experience spans from acute hospital care to a travelling physiotherapist with Cirque du Soleil. Specializing in orthopaedics, she completed her advanced diploma in 2012 and became a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy.

She has a passion for assessing and restoring movement patterns and guiding clients in their fitness goals, resuming an activity, or just starting to get into one. From gardening to rock climbing, from dance to gymnastics, her keen eye for biomechanics allows her to help a broad assortment of clients. As a mom of two active and busy children herself, she understands the importance of women’s health and restoring balance and strength. She loves to work with dancers, runners, high intensity/functional fitness athletes and yoga clients. Helping them start, fine-tune, and modify or improve their performance is always a fun journey.

Her treatment approach is customized to your rehab goals but always keeping in mind your physical needs, addressing your pain and setting realistic goals to get you feeling better and recovering faster. She uses evidenced-based clinical knowledge, manual therapy, functional movement analysis, and pain science to get to the root of the issue, She offers services in both French and English, movement pattern retaining, core stabilization program including yoga rehab, external pelvic health care and running rehab. She is trained in McKenzie and Shirley Sahrmann techniques. Sandy also uses Functional Dry Needling (FDN) & Acupuncture as part of her treatment plan.

Sandy says: “I love people and I can help you return to your passions and hobbies. You deserve to live the best life you can dream.” Sandy enjoys strength training and dancing, meditates through yoga, and creates through food and photography. Her young family and husband keep her laughing and always on an adventure. We love to “parkour” up a mountain or splash in the water.


Brad Curry

Brad Curry Physiotherapist

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Brad studied his Undergrad and Master of Science in Kinesiology at UVic. He successfully completed his Masters thesis titled “Neuropsychological progression following a concussion”. Then in 2005, he completed his Master of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of Alberta. During these studies he completed a thesis “Acute effects of dynamic stretching, static stretching and light aerobic activity on muscular performance in women” and was published in Journal of Strength and Conditioning and Research Sept 2009.

He enjoys sharing his knowledge from his continued studies with a variety of students and in different venues. He was a Sessional Instructor at the University of Victoria in Kinesiology for nine years, speaker at conferences, and a content specialist at the National Coaching Institute and the UVic Nurse Practitioner’s programs.

Brad uses a variety of techniques when treating his patients in order to facilitate their bodies to heal effectively. He listens to the story of each individual to tailor his hands-on manual therapy, Gunn IMS dry needling, pain education, exercise prescription, and movement retraining to optimize their healing. He continues to learn from patients from a variety of unique populations. He has spent time with patients in chronic pain programs, head injury programs, spinal triage for neurosurgeons, children and adults with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), and elite and recreational athletes.

He completed his Sports Physiotherapy Certification in 2009 and he has had the opportunity to work and travel with the Canadian National rugby, field hockey, track and field, and rowing teams. He has enjoyed being a therapist at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil and 2017 Women’s Rugby World Cup in Ireland.

Brad is currently working in the Integrate Support Team for Canada’s National Track and Field Team (Athletics Canada).

When Brad is not working he strives to be playing outdoors with his family. They spend their time outdoors skiing, orienteering, hiking, climbing, and camping.

Sherri Daniar

Sherri Daniar Physiotherapist / Craniosacral Therapist

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Sherri completed her Honours Bachelour of Science degree at the University of Waterloo in 2003, and then completed the Masters of Physical Therapy program at the University of Western Ontario in 2005. Following graduation, Sherri completed post-graduate training to the intermediate levels in Manual and Manipulative Therapy through the Orthopedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, and then became Certified in Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) in 2009. In 2011, she broadened her treatment perspective with training in Upledger Craniosacral Therapy to the advanced levels. Craniosacral therapy is an assessment and treatment technique that evaluates and enhances the movement of fluid within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). In considering the intimate relationship of the nervous system with all systems of the body, especially the musculoskeletal system, Sherri finds craniosacral therapy to provide an invaluable perspective to her as a physiotherapist. She aims to facilitate a treatment that nurtures nervous system regulation and encourages mind-body connection, so that our inherent cellular intelligence to heal is optimized. She has worked in orthopedic-based clinics since graduation, and has treated clients on a wide spectrum of ages (including babies).

Elizabeth de Jong Westman

Elizabeth de Jong Westman Physiotherapist / Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Elizabeth

Elizabeth’s interest in human movement and injury rehabilitation started early in life, but it wasn’t until she was teaching yoga as her full-time job that she realized how much there was to know (and how little she did know) about the human body – resulting in a literal endless list of questions. On the path to seeking some answers, Elizabeth completed her Masters of Physical Therapy at Western University in 2014 and more recently completed a second, post-professional, physiotherapy degree at UBC – advancing her knowledge and skill in orthopaedic musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Further, Elizabeth has been practicing pelvic health physiotherapy since 2014 and is experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of the practice, including using real-time ultrasound for the assessment of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor muscles.

Splitting her time between both ‘regular’ (orthopaedic / musculoskeletal) and ‘pelvic health’ physiotherapy, Elizabeth offers a whole-body/whole-person approach to injury rehabilitation and function optimization. Always on a mission to find the root cause of a problem, Elizabeth often looks beyond the site of complaint to help stitch together a comprehensive picture of a problem. You’ll find sessions with Elizabeth are multi-dimensional – with assessment strategies tailored to her clients needs, and treatment options that may include IMS (dry needling), taping, prescriptive exercise, hands-on manual treatment, and helpful tips for continued improvement. As a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT), Elizabeth is dedicated to evidence based practice – including the appropriate, timely and sensible use of manual and manipulative techniques. Elizabeth considers manual therapy a single ‘tool’ in her toolbox and includes it in her well-rounded treatment approach.

Specific to pelvic health physiotherapy – Elizabeth treats all humans – with penises or vaginas, and anything in between. Don’t let the term of ‘pelvic floor physiotherapy’ fool you – it is not just about the pelvic floor and its definitely not only for women.

For more information on her experience and treatment approaches – check out her website:

Julie Desramaux

Julie Desramaux Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Julie

Julie completed her honours degree in Physical Therapy from Queen’s University in 2000.  She continued her education by specializing in orthopaedics with her Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2009 and a Certification in Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (CGIMS).

Julie has worked in a variety of clinical settings in Victoria since 2000 and is dedicated to providing hands on physiotherapy treatment. She has pursued other post graduate courses focusing on movement control, muscle balancing, and sports rehabilitation.

In the past, Julie has competed in a variety of endurance sports including marathons, Ironman Triathlons, and Grand Fondos and now balances keeping fit and healthy with raising a young family.

Felix Drechsler

Felix Drechsler Physiotherapist

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Felix graduated as Valedictorian from Western University with a Masters in Physical Therapy after completing his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology at the University of Victoria.

Felix firmly believes that the strength of rehabilitation comes from a healthy relationship between patient education, evidence-informed practice, appropriate exercise prescription and an inclusive, supportive, encouraging environment in which clients can heal. Incorporating a client-centered method of care, he tailors the rehabilitation program to fit the needs of the client, their goals, and any available resources.

While Felix is passionate about the rehabilitation sciences, he also loves everything boardgame related, and is often seen running, cycling, climbing, and playing Spikeball on the fields around Victoria.

Sasja Drechsler

Sasja Drechsler Physiotherapist / Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Sasja

Sasja graduated from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Degree with a Psychology Minor. After that, she went on to work as a kinesiologist for 2 years before going on to graduate from the University of Western Ontario with a Master’s in Physical Therapy. At graduation, she was awarded the Troy Seely Clinical Excellence Award, The Barbara Edwardson Orthopedic Award, the St. Joseph’s Health Care Award and the London District OPA-CPA Book Prize Literary Achievement Award, the last of which was shared with her research group.

Since graduation, Sasja has been working through the Level courses with the Orthopedic Division with the goal to become a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists. Additionally, Sasja has a keen interest in Pelvic Health and is currently striving to add additional training to that practice.

Sasja aims to create an inclusive, safe environment for each client. She believes in an evidence-informed practice with space for her and her client to create a treatment plan together that best suits the client’s ideals, goals and lifestyle. Sasja believes strongly in an active approach to therapy with custom exercise prescription, meeting each client where they are and understanding what is meaningful to them.

Sasja Drechsler grew up in Victoria where she graduated from Lambrick Park High School. She was very active as a kid and participated in many sports over the years but she was particularly fond of soccer, playing 5 years in the Metro league. Currently, Sasja enjoys being active through running, cycling and bouldering, but her true love is coffee.

Miriam Haustein

Miriam Haustein Physiotherapist / Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Miriam

Miriam is a Registered Physiotherapist specializing in Pelvic Health Rehabilitation. She completed her Masters of Science degree in Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University, Halifax. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology.

She has received extensive post-graduate training on treating pelvic floor dysfunctions, bowel – and bladder incontinence for both males and females, pre -and postnatal care, lumbosacral dysfunctions, ano-rectal dysfunctions and coccydynia.

Miriam specializes in treating sexual pain, vaginismus, dyspareunia and vulvar-vestibulodynia. She is also trained in pessary fittings for pelvic organ prolapse. She provides Physiotherapy support for moms, babies, and families who are breast and/or bottle feeding. This includes feeding positioning, neck and jaw assessment of babies, mastitis and clogged milk ducts.


Her treatment approach uses a combination of biofeedback, manual therapy, IMS, education, behavior retraining, and individualized exercise prescription plans.


Miriam is passionate about working in pelvic health therapy. She provides a safe, inclusive and empowering space for all genders.

Outside of work, she loves spending time with her daughter and husband and can be found running, refurbishing furniture, and exploring the beautiful outdoors.

Scott Holden

Scott Holden Physiotherapist

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Scott Holden graduated from Memorial University with a Bachelor of Kinesiology. He later obtained his Masters of Science degree in Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University.Originally from Newfoundland & Labrador, Scott moved to Victoria to further his passion in Physiotherapy and put down some roots with his growing family. His treatment style is manual therapy based, combined with dry needling techniques, targeted exercise prescription and client education. Scott enjoys working alongside his clients to help them attain their goals.Growing up, Scott was a competitive athlete in a variety of sports and was a member of Newfoundland & Labrador’s Canada Games Volleyball team in 2013. Scott has always been involved in athletics which sparked his interest in pursuing a career where he is able to give back to the community.Scott has completed his Functional Dry Needling certification, along with various manual therapy and strength & conditioning courses.  When not in the clinic, Scott loves playing ice hockey, hiking, and going on adventures with his fiancée and daughter.

John Hunter

John Hunter Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with John

John graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2000, and then completed his Masters of Science in Physiotherapy at McMaster University in 2002. After graduation, he spent 4 years working at the University of Calgary Sport Medicine center where he worked with many athletes ranging from young community athletes to many Olympic gold medalists from a variety of summer and winter Olympic sports. During this time he also worked at the Advanced Spinal Care Center. Both centers have a strong research focus where John was involved in research pertaining to sport injury prevention, and whiplash.

John traveled internationally to many world cups and world championships with the Canadian Sprint Canoe and Kayak team. In 2007 he was selected to the Canadian Medical team for Rowing and Canoe Kayak for the Pan American Games, and in 2008 worked at the Bejing pre-Olympic training camp for the Canoe Kayak team.

A few months later John moved to Victoria to direct the Sport Medicine Center at the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence in Victoria, and soon after the birth of his second child, he started doing more consultant work. John’s passion is problem solving and educating patients regarding their condition, especially with regards low back pain and hip pain. After determining the cause of the condition, he enjoys using an evidence based and active approach to rehabilitation.(see link below for more details)In the past ten years John has achieved the highest level of manual therapy, receiving fellowship status with the Canadian Academy of Manual and Manipulative Therapy and has mentored numerous advanced manual therapists and students. He is certified in Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) and Acupuncture. He also currently holds a position as an associate editor for the Journal of Physical Therapy. For more information on IMS, please visit:
For more information on John’s approach to low back assessment and treatment, please visit the following site for his recent publication titled “A treatment Based”
Gina Lawson

Gina Lawson Physiotherapist

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Gina graduated from the University of Victoria in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She then completed her Master of Science in Physiotherapy at the University of Alberta in 2010. Since then she has taken several courses focused on orthopaedic manual therapy and sports injuries.
Gina uses a combined approach of education, manual therapy, certified Gunn intramuscular stimulation, acupuncture and injury specific exercises to reach her patient’s goals. Gina strives to identify the underlying cause of the patient’s injury and uses this to develop her treatment plan.
Gina moved to Vancouver Island from New Brunswick when she was 10 and has considered it home ever since. She played every sport available to her including track and field, volleyball and even rugby in her senior year of high school. The past 10 years Gina has found an increased interest in running and has run all types of local races from 5k to full marathons.

Fraser McKean

Fraser McKean Physiotherapist

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Fraser grew up in Victoria where he spent much of his youth on the diving boards at Saanich Commonwealth Pool. He dove competitively for 17 years and was proud to represent his country on Canada’s Junior and Senior National teams. Fraser accepted a scholarship to compete in the NCAA and study at Auburn University where he graduated with honours, earning a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Exercise Science and a minor in Psychology. During his time at Auburn, Fraser received both academic and athletic All-American Honours, and was awarded the McWhorter Scholarship to pursue graduate studies.

Upon graduation, Fraser returned to Victoria and first joined the RISE team as an administrative assistant. He then went on to earn his master’s degree in Physical Therapy from the University of British Columbia.

Fraser now re-joins RISE where he is excited to apply his knowledge of high-level sport, in conjunction with his education, to carefully tailor rehabilitation programs that will support his patients in achieving their goals.

Lisa Munkley

Lisa Munkley Physiotherapist

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Lisa Munkley graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in 1998. She furthered her education by specializing in orthopaedics with her Certificate of Intermediate Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2000 and her Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2001. In 2002, Lisa partnered in opening Broadmead Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Clinic.

In 2008, she continued her education with a Certification in Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (CGIMS). From 2011 – 2013, Lisa had an incredible experience working at a multidisciplinary medical center, Fix Healthcare. Lisa has taught physiotherapists who are pursuing their specialization in manual therapy as well as fourth year medical students at the University of Victoria. Lisa is passionate about providing quality hands on physiotherapy treatment with a focus on manual and manipulative therapy, intramuscular stimulation and exercise prescription.

Hayley Stroebel

Hayley Stroebel Physiotherapist

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Born in South Africa, Hayley completed her Bachelor in Physiotherapy at the University of Pretoria in 1994. Having worked in diverse healthcare settings in both the UK and Canada, Hayley has gained extensive experience in musculoskeletal injuries, orthopedic rehabilitation, and physiotherapy management of chronic pain.

Using hands-on manual therapy, soft tissue techniques, exercise prescription and education to guide clients towards better function, she believes that knowledge is the key to reaching your goals in rehabilitation and pain management. 

Hayley received her Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT) from the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists in 2009 and in 2015 became certified in Gunn Intramuscular stimulation through UBC.  In 2020, Hayley completed her 200hr Yoga teacher training.

With over 25 years experience, Hayley is dedicated to continuing her education and evolving her skills by merging the most current, evidence-based practice with a holistic approach. She is passionate about her work and takes pride in connecting with her patients as they embark on their healing journeys.

Having moved to Victoria 8 years ago, Hayley enjoys an active Island lifestyle with her husband, 2 children and dog, Milo. In her free time, she dabbles in running, yoga, Pilates, gardening, cooking and her newest hobby, paddleboarding. 


Bryn R. Thompson

Bryn R. Thompson Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Bryn

Bryn’s expertise of working with the body started in high school. Now almost 30 years later after an international rowing career, a physiotherapy degree, a diploma in advanced manipulative therapy, and many other specialized trainings, Bryn works intimately with people to help them unravel complex presentations and enhance the function of their bodies. He views the interaction between therapist and patient as a dance between scientific rigor, skillful artistic interaction, intuitive wisdom, and the wisdom of the unknown.

Tailoring his approach to match the needs of the patient, Bryn weaves myofascial release, manipulative therapy, movement retraining, tension/trauma release exercises, IMS/dry needling, and other tools to facilitate pathways to healing for the patient.

With extensive experience in many different populations – elite athletes, professional dancers, corporate executives, therapists and movement teachers, spiritual gurus, ranchers, loggers, forest fire fighters, dip netters, homesteaders, and weekend warriors – Bryn appreciates diversity and has the capacity to meet people where they are at.

Bryn returns to Victoria after years of travel and exploration from Colorado to the Tatalyoko Valley (in the heart of the Chilcotin) where he and his family built an off grid home in the wilderness. He, his wife Lisa, and his three boys are active skiers, cyclists, climbers, hikers, musicians, and lovers of life!



Bernard Tonks

Bernard Tonks Vestibular Rehabilitation Physiotherapist

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Bernard is a Physiotherapist who graduated from the University of Toronto in 1986. He has extensive experience in neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedics, sports injuries, concussions and treating individuals with dizziness and imbalance dysfunctions. He has been assessing and treating persons injured in motor vehicle accidents for over 20 years.

Since 1993, he has worked in private physiotherapy clinics both in British Columbia and in Ontario.

In 1997, he became a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists.

He has completed numerous courses in orthopaedics as well as vestibular rehabilitation and in 2001, completed a competency based, certification course in vestibular rehabilitation in Atlanta, Georgia.He has been assessing and treating clients with vestibular dysfunctions since 1995.

Since 2000, he has instructed courses in vestibular rehabilitation throughout Canada as well as internationally.


Ange Vander Schilden

Ange Vander Schilden Physiotherapist

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Ange Vander Schilden graduated from Queen’s University in 2009 with her Master of Science in Physical Therapy and during her time there, she was a member of the Women’s Varsity Ice Hockey team.  Since graduation, Ange has completed numerous professional development courses; in 2014 she became a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists (FCAMPT), and is certified in Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), and Graston® instrument-assisted soft tissue release.

Ange continues to evolve her practice; she has completed Gabor Maté’s year-long professional training in Compassionate Inquiry, and is a Certified NumaSomatics Breathwork Facilitator. She has a special interest in how the body holds Trauma and believes in a holistic mind-body approach that blends breath, movement, and present-moment body awareness practices with manual therapy, IMS, and soft tissue release.  She always strives to create safe containers in which people can explore and be curious about their own felt experiences.

When she’s not at work, Ange is an avid ice hockey player, CrossFit athlete and mountain biker, and is always on the go with her wife and two young sons.

Faraley Vander Schilden

Faraley Vander Schilden Physiotherapist / Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Faraley

Faraley Vander Schilden was born and raised here in Victoria. She graduated from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology and during her time there she was a member of the Varsity Women’s Rowing team and was able to compete locally and internationally with her sport. Faraley then went on to graduate from the Master’s of Physical Therapy program at Queen’s University in 2009.

Faraley has continued her pursuit of higher education to obtain a Fellowship of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists (FCAMPT), as well as certification in Chan Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (CGIMS) from the University of British Columbia. Faraley also has a special interest in the role of the pelvic floor in rehabilitation, continence, pain, and pregnancy/postpartum conditions, and has taken advanced courses on these topics as she moves towards specialization.

Faraley believes in educating patients about all of the different aspects of their physiotherapy experience, as well as creating a supportive environment to facilitate her patients’ return to function. This approach also helps to augment her hands-on manual therapy.

Darren Zagrodney

Darren Zagrodney Physiotherapist

Book an appointment with Darren

When he first meets with a client, Darren’s goal is to settle their immediate pain, but also to identify habits, movements, or activities they can either change or adopt to stop the pain from recurring.

This is accomplished by merging what the clients body has to tell him with the client’s history, current life situation and activities, as well as their future goalsHe then determines what caused the problem and how the client can change their situation to avoid it in the future.

“I am always excited to find that one small change a client can easily adopt that will improve their movement and decrease their pain for the rest of their lives.”

Darren‘s experience as a top level competitive swimmer in his younger years, his lifelong passion for martial arts, and his continued love of most outdoor activities has helped him understand physical issues and injuries from a first hand perspective.

“Life outside of work and study really hasn’t changed much since I was seven. I still play as hard as I can, as much as I can, and I ride my bike everywhere I go.”

Darren continues to revel in learning. Having graduated from Queen’s University in 2002 with a Bachelor’s of Physical Therapy(BScPT), a Master’s in Science(MSc), and training in Acupuncture. He has since completed his intermediate orthopeadic levels in manual therapy, spinal manipulation(Swodeam 2009), and Intermuscular Stimulation (Gunn IMS2010), as well as various manual therapy courses. More recently he completed the second level of Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST 2019-20) and Lifestretch (2022).

“I look forward to beginning another educational journey a little outside of my usual wheelhouse with Breathwork and Somatic Experience training in the next few years.”

When not on the move or studying Darren loves to cook, bake, and eat vegan delights, but he survives mostly on dark chocolate. His favourite place to be is 5 meters down, nestled within a coral reef.

Dr. Aryn Bartoshyk

Dr. Aryn Bartoshyk Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Aryn Bartoshyk is a Naturopathic Physician who joined the Rise Health team on November 1, 2018. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science Degree (Biology Major) before completing the Doctorate Program at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine.

Dr. Aryn has a general family practice with a special interest in sports medicine and integrative pain management. She supports her patients to overcome musculoskeletal injuries and other training hindrances by executing rehabilitation protocols that encompass a multitude of diverse, individualized approaches to treatment that include:
• Clinical nutrition
• Spinal manipulation
• Acupuncture
• Dry needling
• Electrical stimulation
• Botanical medicine
• Intravenous (IV) therapies
• Prolotherapy
• Neural therapy
• Laboratory testing – food sensitivities, blood chemistry, hormone panels
• Prescriptive interventions

Outside of her practice, Dr. Aryn maintains balance and wellness in her own life by regularly participating in CrossFit, refueling with nutritious foods, and integrating active recovery through meditation, yoga and long hikes in nature. She is passionate about educating and empowering people to be healthier, happier, and stronger. Her ultimate goal is to enable people to climb beyond their borders and discover their true potential!

Dr. Jordan Morton

Dr. Jordan Morton Naturopathic Physician

I’m an Albertan that moved out to the West Coast and hasn’t been able to leave. I fell in love with Victoria and Vancouver Island during my undergrad and knew that after naturopathic medical school in Vancouver, I would be back.

I’m a believer in living my best life and getting the most out of each day. In that sense, I feel that proper nutrition, quality sleep, healthy relationships, time in nature and spending time doing what you love fosters a healthy body, mind and spirit so that each day can be great. For me, that means wholesome vegan food, running along Dallas Road, doing yoga in the mornings, going camping and catching up with friends to share a laugh.

I want to share my love of life and passion for Naturopathic Medicine with all my patients so that they can reach their fullest potential. I want to help them run that marathon, go on that trip, improve their mood and achieve whatever other goals they have. I am a general practitioner with a special interest in:

  • Chronic pain, joint dysfunction and using injection therapies like prolotherapy, PRP and viscosupplementation to get patients out of pain

  • Men’s health (prostate issues, libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility and male hormone imbalance)

  • Physical Medicine (acupuncture and IMS, physical adjustments, exercise and stretching)

  • Vegan nutrition (plant-based medicine for cardiovascular, diabetic, chronic disease concerns and general healthy living)


I completed my undergrad through University of Alberta and UVic, finishing with a BSc and a minor in Hispanic Studies. After working at spinal health facility for a year, I returned to school at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster where I was the recipient of the Dr. Nicole Robinson Scholarship and the Spirit of Boucher Award.

As a clinical intern at Boucher, I was fortunate to work with a diverse groups of patients at extern clinics in Vancouver, Katzie First Nation in Pitt Meadows and Victoria. I have experience working with HIV, cancer, pediatrics, diabetics and chronic pain.


  • Naturopathic Cardiac Life Support (NCLS)

  • Board certified in acupuncture

  • Board certified in IV therapy

  • Prescriptive Authority

  • Prolotherapy and Advanced Injections

  • Cosmetic Botox

  • Therapeutic Botox (TMJ, hyperhidrosis, migraine headaches)

  • Member of the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia, Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and British Columbia Naturopathic Association

Dr. Todd Levins

Dr. Todd Levins Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Todd Levins ND received his Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of Victoria. He later completed his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Toronto).

Dr. Levins strongly believes that health is a balanced and dynamic expression of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. Active body, active mind, active spirit.

Each individual’s unique path to greater health is best determined through the mutual work of the doctor and the patient. This process begins with understanding the body’s specific demands on health and identifying the obstacles to healing. Using the medicines that nature provided and the best of science, Dr. Levins’ guides the patient/ doctor relationship to create sustained changes in health.

Dr. Levins has clinical expertise in sports medicine and integrative pain management treatment. Having lived with a personal focus on sport and fitness Dr. Levins well knows the pitfalls associated with recreational, competitive and elite sport performance and training. Getting restored and back to doing what we love is what motivates us and keeps us in balanced health. The process of instilling, promoting and reinforcing this approach with each patient is a hallmark of Dr. Levins’ practice. Everyone deserves to experience a more fulfilling life by remaining vital and active.Guided by naturopathic principles Dr. Levins uncovers the mechanisms and contributions to the sources of pain and compromised health. Understanding pain in the context of structure, biomechanics, energetics, nutrition and hormonal health is critical to the alleviation of chronic pain and a necessary step to true progressive healing. Relieving pain and educating patients on avoidance of pain triggers (or inducers?) are some of the most profound contributions a physician can provide to a patient.While it is often necessary to direct treatment at pain generators, treating and understanding all the factors involved in the perception of pain are critical to long-term freedom from pain. Vibrant health is lived through movement and freedom from pain. Upon identification of sources of pain Dr. Levins incorporates nutrition, manual treatments, acupuncture, neural therapy, prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma as tools to address pain and healing.Clinical Interest and Areas of Specialized Training/CertificationProlotherapyAcupuncture

  • Chelation
  • Platelet Rich Plasma
  • IV Treatments
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Neural Therapy
  • Hormone Testing & Management
  • Lab Testing

Licensed to Prescribe Dr. Levins is a member in good standing with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC, BC Naturopathic.

Dr. Nick Grant

Dr. Nick Grant Chiropractor

Truly caring about you is where it begins! Nick believes the best healthcare starts with a proper relationship; understanding your story, your unique goals and what motivates you is the foundation for success. Whether you’re a professional athlete, weekend warrior or just looking to get your health back on track, Nick will partner with you to work towards – and achieve – your goals.

Nick takes an integrated approach to treatment and healthcare; he holds various certifications and has unique experiences and techniques that he will apply to a plan that is tailored specifically for you.

He’s blessed to call Victoria home and enjoyed the lifestyle this beautiful island affords us…and he wants you to do the same. If you are looking for a provider who will be a teammate and a partner with you on your journey, Nick is the Chiropractor for you!

Kristine Salmon

Kristine Salmon Chiropractor

Dr. Kristine Salmon DC, is a Chiropractor and Strength and Conditioning Coach who graduated from McMaster University with a bachelor in science, then on to Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College during which time she obtained her CSCS. She is Graston certified and has completed her Active Release Techniques. Her practice style includes a plethora of soft tissue work, as well as functional movement assessment and exercise rehabilitation. She loves working with all ages, activity levels and experience, providing people with the education they need to move and excel within their own body structure. She is active in the community and volunteers often with the Crossfit community, assistant coached the U15 Girls Basketball and is now the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the UVic Basketball teams. Kristine is most passionate about working with her patients to reach their goals and providing them with the tools they need to live the active island lifestyle that the beauty of Victoria inspires.

Dr. Rachel Statz

Dr. Rachel Statz Chiropractor

Dr. Rachel Statz was born and raised in the lower mainland of British Columbia. She obtained her Doctorate of Chiropractic degree with honours from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and received awards for her academic, clinical and community contributions. Prior to her chiropractic degree, Dr. Statz studied kinesiology and human kinetics at the University of the Fraser Valley.

Throughout her studies, she has been involved in health and athletics at the recreational, performance and rehabilitation levels, establishing a strong foundation for community involvement.

In practice, Dr. Statz applies a multidisciplinary, evidence-informed and patient-centered approach to care. She integrates a combination of chiropractic care, movement and functional assessment, injury rehabilitation and patient education in order to facilitate her patients returning to optimal function as quickly and effectively as possible.

Dr. Statz has been trained in various manual techniques, including Active Release Techniques ®, Graston ®, Functional Range Conditioning ® among others.

Team Experience:

UBC Track and Field

Rugby Canada

Fiji Rugby Union

WhiteCaps FC

Burnaby Lake Rugby Club

Ironman Canada

Megan Bilski

Megan Bilski Acupuncture

Megan is a Registered Acupuncturist with a background in psychology and social service work. Prior to earning her Diploma in Acupuncture from Pacific Rim College, she completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Her undergraduate studies sparked an interest in the mind-body connection and mental health. Her work in social services taught her the importance of compassion, trust and advocacy in care. She carries these values into her treatment room, striving to create a safe, supportive and nurturing space for her patients on their healing journey.

Megan loves using Acupuncture to support mental and emotional well-being, Women’s health, digestive and immune support. She has completed additional training in cosmetic acupuncture and facial rejuvenation, and is currently continuing studies in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture. She uses a combination of modalities in each treatment, including: gentle needling, fire cupping, gua sha, moxibustion (herbal heat therapy), as well as lifestyle and dietary guidance.

Outside of the clinic, Megan is always continuing her studies, learning about ancient medicine and modern science – forever seeking new ways to best support her patients. Her downtime is spent recharging in nature, enjoying the beautiful forests and beaches of Vancouver Island!

Kristen Lukovich

Kristen Lukovich Acupuncture

Kristen is a graduate of the 4-year Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner program at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver. Following graduation, she completed an internship at Tzu Chi General Hospital in Taipei, further enhancing her clinical experience and understanding of Chinese medicine. This internship brought things full-circle, as her first experience with acupuncture was in Taiwan, while teaching English there after completing her undergraduate degree.

Kristen has a particular interest in treating musculoskeletal pain, digestive dysfunction, women’s health, stress and fatigue. She uses acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and gua sha, along with lifestyle and dietary consultation, to help her patients achieve and maintain optimal health. She has enjoyed treating a wide variety of people, from hopeful parents-to-be to people dealing with stress & anxiety to the UBC Track & Field team.

Kristen embraces the holistic philosophy of TCM – understanding that both the physical and emotional aspects of each individual need to be considered and treated for complete healing. She has an open and compassionate approach to treatment, based on genuine care and connection with her patients.

Milah Smith

Milah Smith Clinical Counsellor

I am a clinical counsellor who wants to a create a space where you feel safe to be yourself and explore. Together we can explore anything and everything, including issues from past hurt and trauma, grief and loss, dealing with challenging relationships, celebrating and exploring gender and sexuality journeys, or simply carving out time for yourself to be and reflect.

Throughout my life I have been struck by the misunderstanding and stigma around mental and emotional wellness that I have come across, therefore working in a trauma informed and response based way is at the heart of how I would like to show up with you. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a Masters of Clinical Counselling from City University of Seattle. My experience supporting people with chronic pain and head injuries informs my work around the importance of connection to our bodies and integrating our physical, emotional and mental health. I feel as though everyone has amazing ways of staying alive and keeping themselves safe when going through the world, and I know there can come a time where those protections do not feel that they are helping any more. It is my hope that by creating connection and trust through working together that we can find ways of integrating traumatic experiences, reclaiming our sense of our self and tuning into our intuition and strength.

As a queer person who has diverse relationships, this is something that I hold close to my heart and know that at times it can be difficult to find understanding. I aim to create a space where you know that you can lean into all the parts of yourself that in other areas of your life you might have to hold back. This is important to me because I know that the world has not caught up to all of the amazing expressive ways of being there are and it is not always safe for us to be fully ourselves. Therefore, I hope for you to feel a comforting presence ready to talk and explore, and together find new ways of being and expressing.

Jessica Johal

Jessica Johal Registered MassageTherapist

Book an appointment with Jessica
Jessica graduated from Langara College’s Massage Therapy Program in Vancouver and is completing a Bachelor of Health Science at Thompson Rivers University. Jessica has had the opportunity to work with a variety of clients, such as competitive and recreational athletes, pregnant people and people with MS. She has additional training in perinatal, labour and postpartum massage, post caesarean section treatment and myofascial techniques.

After completing yoga teacher training at Anadi Yoga Centre in India, Jessica was motivated to continue searching for a role that would allow her to help people live in their bodies comfortably, functionally and joyfully. Through manual therapy, Jessica is committed to serving the health and well-being of her clients.

When out and about, Jessica enjoys exploring her new home in Victoria by bicycle.

Jacqueline Semple

Jacqueline Semple Acupuncturist

Jacqueline’s professional interests include pain and injury (myofascial, acute, and chronic), neuropathy, movement optimization, Gynaecology (menstrual cycle regulation, fertility, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause) and general practice. In addition to providing effective treatments, her ultimate goal is for every client to feel safe, respected and heard.

You can expect a variety of treatment methods in addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture when working with Jacqueline that are within the scope of Acupuncturists in BC; Orthopaedic Acupuncture (Motor Point Acupuncture), Cupping, ElectroAcupuncture, Gua Sha and Moxibustion (heat therapy) are some of her favourite adjunct therapies. Her unique approach to Acupuncture is anatomy-informed in conjunction with Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and bodywork techniques. She aims to empower and educate her clients during their healing process.

Her training and background: Jacqueline completed her Diploma of Acupuncture Summa Cum Laude at Pacific Rim College in 2019, and is a Registered Acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA). She holds a Degree in Sport Health and Physical Education from Vancouver Island University (2013) where she played varsity volleyball for four years.

She has been a Teacher’s Assistant at Pacific Rim College in Victoria in multiple ‘Orthopaedic Acupuncture and Traumatology’ as well as ‘Point and Channel Location’ courses to help refine her technical skills as an Acupuncturist. She also collaborated with a colleague to help develop online professional development courses for Acupuncturists in ‘Integrative Myofascial Acupuncture’ for pain and injury.

In September, 2022 Jacqueline will be embarking on the “Sports Medicine Acupuncture Program” located in San Diego, CA. After completion in July 2023, she will be one of 11 Registered Acupuncturists within Canada with this designation. The SMAC program is considered one of the best globally in the field of Sport Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. She is thrilled that she will be able to help her client’s pain and injury even better with these advanced TCM and Sport Medicine Acupuncture techniques.

Kailie Woods

Kailie Woods Acupuncturist

Kailie discovered her passion for Holistic Healing and Health soon after moving to the island. Post college, Kailie furthered her studies and received her diploma in Acupuncture and TCM in the spring of 2008 from the College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eager for more, Kailie ventured to China where she dove into a hands on internship at the Cheng Du Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.
Kailie is registered/licensed TCM Acupuncturist through the CTCMA of British Columbia. She takes pride in catering her treatments to each clients individual needs, working one on one to provide treatment plans aimed at achieving overall optimal health and happiness. Kailie has a keen interest in Sports Medicine Acupuncture, Obstetrics and treatments aimed at calming the nervous system & reducing stress.

Most recently Kailie completed an advanced level certification in Cosmetic Acupuncture, learning Acusculpting® protocols from one of her mentors Illya Borreson. She is also trained in the Mai Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture protocol and is passionate about being able to offer a variety of different approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Outside of the treatment room Kailie enjoys teaching mind/body movement practices. She is a 600 hour certified Yoga/Pilates Instructor, trained in a variety of different styles including: Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga,
Yin/Yang and Prenatal. Combined knowledge of multiple ancient modalities has given her great awareness and insight into the human body.
Kailie is passionate about life and takes pride in sharing her knowledge, learning from her fellow practitioners and connecting with the community of Victoria!

Catrin Jones

Catrin Jones Registered Massage Therapy

Catrin graduated from Victoria’s West Coast College of MassageTherapy3000 hour program in 2008.
Within her practice she has worked with a variety of patients from elite athletes, to children. She uses a variety of massage therapy techniques to treat injuries and help patients avoid injury before they happen by addressing muscle imbalances and habitual postures one may have in their daily lives.
As a life long athlete, primarily in competitive swimming and marathon/ultra marathon running, she understands the benefits that manual therapies such as massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture have for the treatment and prevention of injuries.
When not practicing massage, Catrin can be found on the roads and trails of Greater Victoria. She has been competing at a high level in marathons both locally and internationally for a number of years. In recent years she has run for Team Canada the World Mountain running championships, the Francophone Games, and the World Trophy 50k.
Over the years Catrin has also had experience as a swim and running coach. She has studied the Lydiard run coaching method (2014) and became a certified yoga instructor for children, families, and adults in 2010.
Katrina Ross

Katrina Ross Registered Massage Therapist

Katrina graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy 3000 hour program in 2008. She believes strongly in the benefit of massage therapy and enjoys the challenge of working with a variety of healthcare professionals to help her patients live healthy and happy lives.

Katrina enjoys a diverse practice and is experienced in treating a wide spectrum of conditions including overuse injuries, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, tension headaches, back and neck pain, stress related tension, systemic conditions, digestive problems and pregnancy massage. Katrina believes in educating patients and encouraging them to become active participants in their therapy.

Caroline Farquhar

Caroline Farquhar Pilates Instructor / Certified Physiotherapy Assistant

Caroline approaches Pilates as the ideal foundation for each individual to source their best physical condition: whether they are recovering from injury, dealing with chronic pain, or striving to put the pieces together for their best athletic performance.  The deep focus on body awareness and structural integration in Pilates can have profound effects on an individual’s physical health and performance, as well as their emotional wellbeing.  By peeling the layers of movement down to the fundamentals, patterns and imbalances that the individual was completely unaware of are uncovered – past fears/traumas can be released, and strong functional movement rebuilt….

Caroline first came to Pilates as a professional Contemporary Dance artist looking for support & rehab to allay the demands of training in everything from ballet to martial arts, 8 hour rehearsal days, and coming back from the injuries that are inevitable in elite level performance.  Chronic lower back pain due to an undiagnosed scoliosis & associated muscle imbalance finally culminated in the decision to pursue a full time career in Pilates.  Caroline attained her first instructor certification through the PhysicalMind Institute of Canada in 2010.

For the past seven years, Caroline has been teaching in studios and clinics across London, UK with a strong focus on physical rehabilitation, as well as working with clients of all ages, from all walks of life and athletic ability, and pre/post-natal exercise.  Having been through her own career changing injury and recovery process, Caroline brings a wealth of experience, understanding, and positivity – knowing that the human body is capable of greater change, recovery and performance than we sometimes believe is possible.


~ Mat & Apparatus Instructor certification PhysicalMind Institute of Canada

~ Mat & Apparatus Instructor certification Alan Herdman Pilates  – London, UK

~ Nordic Walking UK Instructor Certification

Further Studies

~ Pilates for Breast Cancer/Breast Reconstruction Surgery Rehabilitation

~ Pilates for Amputees

~ Pilates for Hip Strengthening & Mobility – hip replacements & arthritis